

I told my sister I wasn't going to do anything outrageous out of the knowledge that I had potential.
Look at me.
I take hard classes, I pass them. I meet people, I (usually) like them. I see hurt people, I (usually) try to help. I'm a saint and a sinner.
One night is not worth repurcussions for years to come. I'm better than that. I'm worth more than that.
Am I perfect? Hardly. Flawed is a huge understatement.
But I try everyday. I try to make amends everyday. I try to see the good in every day.
Each day has potential. Sometimes I close my eyes to it.
Sometimes I soak it in like a dog resting in the sun.
I just give in.
I have it here. Inside. It's everywhere.
It's in the air, the sun, the buildings, the concrete, the dry grass, everything.
Sometimes I just need to open my eyes.

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